



CGF1: Animation Models

Tuesday 16:00

Chair: Matthias Teschner


Creating and Animating Subject-specific Anatomical Models

B. Gilles, L. Revéret and D. K. Pai


Embedded Implicit Stand-ins for Animated Meshes: a Case of Hybrid Modelling

D. Kravtsov, O. Fryazinov, V. Adzhiev, A. Pasko, P. Comninos


Virtual Video Camera:Image-Based Viewpoint Navigation Through Space and Time

C. Lipski, C. Linz, K. Berger, A. Sellent and M. Magnor




CGF2: Creative Graphics

Wednesday 9:00

Chair: Pierre Poulin


Generating Classic Mosaics with Graph Cuts

Y. Liu, O. Veksler and O. Juan


Binary Shading using Appearance and Geometry

Bert Buchholz, Tamy Boubekeur, Doug DeCarlo and Marc Alexa


An Eyeglass Simulator Using Conoid Tracing

M. Kakimoto, T. Tatsukawa and T. Nishita


FP8 (CGF): Surface Formation and Enhancement

Wednesday 14:00

Chair: Leif Kobbelt


Contouring Discrete Indicator Functions

Josiah Manson, Jason Smith, and Scott Schaefer


Surface Reconstruction Based on Hierarchical Floating Radial Basis Functions

J. Süßmuth, Q. Meyer and G. Greiner


Adaptive and Feature-Preserving Subdivision for High-Quality Tetrahedral Meshes

D. Burkhart, B. Hamann, G. Umlauf


CGF3: Visualization

Wednesday 16:00

Chair: Chuck Hansen


A Smoke Visualization Model for Capturing Surface-like Features

Jinho Park, Yeongho Seol, Frederic Cordier and Junyong Noh


Time-Dependent 2D Vector Field Topology: An Approach Inspired by Lagrangian Coherent Structures

F. Sadlo, D. Weiskopf


CheckViz : Sanity Check and Topological Clues for Linear and Nonlinear Mappings

Sylvain Lespinats and Michael Aupetit




CGF4: Realism and Perception

Thursday 9:00

Chair: Michael Wand


High-Quality Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion using Temporal Coherence

Oliver Mattausch, Daniel Scherzer and Michael Wimmer


Progressive Point-Light-Based Global Illumination

H. Dammertz, A. Keller and H. P. A. Lensch


Free Path Sampling in High Resolution Inhomogeneous Participating Media

Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos, Balazs Toth, and Milan Magdics


CGF5: Beyond Triangular Meshes

Thursday 14:00

Chair:Pere Brunet


Meshless Shape and Motion Design for Multiple Deformable Objects

B. Adams, M. Wicke, M. Ovsjanikov, M. Wand, H.-P. Seidel, L.J. Guibas


Generalized Use of Non-Terminal Symbols for Procedural Modeling

L. Krecklau, D. Pavic and L. Kobbelt


Hybrid Booleans

D.Pavić, M. Campen, L. Kobbelt




CGF6: Graphical Imagery and Displays

Friday 9:00

Chair:Elmar Eisemann


Reducing Plenoptic Camera Artifacts

T. Georgiev and A. Lumsdaine


Tone Mapping Operators on Small Screen Devices: an Evaluation Study

C. Urbano, L. Magalhães, J. Moura, M. Bessa, A. Marcos and A. Chalmers


Optical Image Processing Using Light Modulation Displays

Gordon Wetzstein, Wolfgang Heidrich and David Luebke

